natural selection značenje | engleski leksikon

natural selecti ... značenje | engleski leksikon

natural selection

IPA: / ˈnætʃərəl səˈlekʃn̩ /

Množina: natural selections


The process whereby gene frequencies in a population change through certain individuals producing more descendants than others because they are better able to survive and reproduce in their environment.
The accumulated effect of natural selection is to produce adaptations s
uch as the insulating coat of a polar bear or the spadelike forelimbs of a mole. The process is slow, relying firstly on random variation in the genes of an organism being produced by mutation and secondly on the genetic recombination of sexual reproduction. It was recognized by Charles Darwin and English naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace as the main process driving evolution.
Natural selection usually takes place over many years, but in fast breeding organisms it can occur rapidly, for example the the spread of antibiotic resistance in some bacteria.

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